Contact center analytics

Contact Center Analytics illustration

What is contact center analytics?

Contact center analytics give businesses detailed and actionable information from automatically analyzing data collected from customer interactions in a contact center, such as phone calls, emails, and chat sessions. This data is used to gain insights into customer behavior, agent performance, and overall contact center operations.

Companies in a variety of industries can benefit from contact center analytics, including retail, banking, healthcare, and telecommunications. These companies often have a high volume of customer interactions and can use analytics to improve customer service, reduce costs, and increase revenue.

Some specific examples of benefits include:

Identifying trends in customer complaints and feedback, which can be used to improve products and services

Monitoring and analyzing agent performance to improve training and coaching

Identifying and addressing bottlenecks in the customer journey to improve the overall customer experience and optimize operations

Optimizing staffing levels and schedules to reduce wait times and improve efficiency

Identifying up-sell and cross-sell opportunities to increase revenue

Overall, contact center analytics can help companies improve customer satisfaction, increase sales and revenue, and reduce operating costs.

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Companies who need contact center analytics

A company interested in contact center analytics should be looking for a solution that can collect and analyze data from all channels of customer interactions, including phone calls, emails, chat sessions, and social media. The solution should also be able to integrate with the company's existing systems and tools, such as customer relationship management (CRM) software and telephony systems.

The following are some key features that a company should look for in a contact center analytics solution:

Multi-channel support

The ability to collect and analyze data from phone calls, emails, chat sessions, and social media interactions.

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Integration with existing systems

The ability to integrate with the company's existing systems, such as CRM software and telephony systems, to provide a complete view of customer interactions.

tethr integratiopn with most popular systems illustration

Real-time reporting

The ability to view and analyze data in real-time, so that the company can quickly identify and address any issues.

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The ability to handle large amounts of data and support a large number of users.

Scalability illustration

Customizable dashboards

The ability to create and customize dashboards to display the data and metrics that are most important to the company.

Tethr Sales and Marketing interface illustration

Companies typically have following problems:

Difficulty in identifying and addressing customer complaints and feedback

Lack of visibility into agent performance and efficiency

Difficulty in identifying bottlenecks in the customer journey

Difficulty in optimizing staffing levels and schedules

Difficulty in identifying up-sell and cross-sell opportunities

By implementing contact center analytics, companies can gain insights into these areas and take action to improve their operations and customer satisfaction.

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How speech analytics improves agent performance

Speech analytics is a technology that uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to analyze and understand spoken words in customer interactions. This technology can be used to improve agent performance in a contact center by providing insights into the agent's communication style and customer interactions.

Some specific ways that speech analytics can improve agent performance include:

Enhancing compliance

Speech analytics can also help ensure that agents are adhering to compliance regulations and company policies. For example, if an agent is making unauthorized discounts, it can be caught with this technology.

Identifying areas of improvement

Speech analytics can identify areas where agents may need additional training or coaching, such as how to handle difficult customer interactions or how to effectively upsell or cross-sell products and services.

Improving customer satisfaction

Speech analytics can be used to identify customer sentiment and feedback, which can help agents understand how to better meet customer needs and improve customer satisfaction.

Identifying best practices

By analyzing successful customer interactions, speech analytics can identify best practices that can be shared with other agents to improve their performance.

Monitoring call quality

Speech analytics can be used to evaluate the quality of customer interactions, such as the agent’s tone, language, and the quality of the conversation.

Overall, speech analytics can provide valuable insights into agent performance and customer interactions, which can be used to improve training and coaching, ensure compliance, and enhance the overall customer experience.

Call center operations in 2023

Call center operations illustration

In 2023, it is expected that call center operations will continue to evolve and become more advanced, with a greater emphasis on automation, data analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI).

Some key trends and developments in call center operations that are likely to occur in 2023 include:

Increased use of automation

Automation, such as chatbots and virtual assistants, will become more prevalent in call centers to handle routine and simple tasks, such as answering frequently asked questions and providing basic information. This will allow agents to focus on more complex and high-value interactions with customers.

Remote work

Remote work will continue to be a common practice for call center agents, as companies seek to minimize costs and increase flexibility. This will require companies to provide remote agents with the tools and technology they need to effectively service customers from a remote location.

Multichannel support

Companies will be expected to support multiple channels of communication, like voice, email, chat, and social media, to provide customers with the flexibility to communicate through their preferred channel.

Increased use of AI

AI will be used to improve the customer experience in call centers, such as through the use of natural language processing and machine learning to better understand customer needs and preferences.

Security concerns

Companies will focus on maintaining the security of customer data and interactions to comply with the regulations and protect customer information from potential breaches.

Greater focus on customer experience

Call centers will place a greater emphasis on creating positive customer experiences, as customer satisfaction will be a key driver of business success.

Greater use of data analytics

Data analytics will become an increasingly important tool for call centers, with companies using it to gain insights into customer behavior and agent performance, as well as to identify and address issues with the customer journey.

Overall, call center operations in 2023 will be characterized by a greater use of automation, data analytics, and AI to improve the customer experience, increase efficiency, and reduce costs.

See what the future holds for contact centers

What is the customer effort score and how can companies improve this with Tethr?

The Customer Effort Score (CES) is a metric used to measure the effort that customers have to put in to get their issue resolved or their questions answered. It is a one question survey that typically asks customers to rate their experience on a scale of 1 to 7, with 1 being "very low effort" and 7 being "very high effort." The CES is considered a key indicator of customer satisfaction and loyalty, as customers are more likely to remain loyal to a company if they perceive that it is easy to do business with.

Tethr is a platform that uses advanced machine learning and natural language processing to analyze customer interactions across multiple channels, such as phone calls, emails, and chat sessions. By using Tethr, companies can gain insights into the drivers of customer effort and identify areas where they can improve the customer experience.

Some specific ways that companies can use Tethr to improve the Customer Effort Score include:

Identifying common pain points

Tethr can analyze customer interactions to identify common pain points and issues that are causing customers to have a high effort experience.

Improving processes

Tethr can be used to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies in processes that are causing customers to have a high-effort experience.

Identifying knowledge gaps

Tethr can be used to identify knowledge gaps among agents, so that they can be provided with the information and resources they need to better serve customers.

Analyzing agent performance

Tethr can be used to analyze agent performance and identify which agents are delivering high-effort experiences, so that they can be provided with additional training or coaching.

Improving self-service

Tethr can be used to identify customer needs and preferences, so that companies can improve their self-service options, such as chatbots or virtual assistants, to better meet customer needs.

By using Tethr to analyze customer interactions and identify the drivers of customer effort, companies can take action to improve the customer experience and reduce the effort required for customers to get their issues resolved or their questions answered.

Call center analytics software has come a long way

Call center analytics software illustration

Call center analytics software is a tool that is used to collect, analyze, and gain insights from data and metrics related to customer interactions in a call center. This software typically includes features such as real-time reporting, customizable dashboards, and integration with existing systems.

Tethr's call center analytics software uses advanced machine learning and natural language processing to analyze customer interactions across multiple channels, such as phone calls, emails, and chat sessions.

Tethr's software stands out from other options in the market in a few ways:

Advanced NLP and machine learning

Tethr uses advanced natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to understand the sentiment and intent of customer interactions, which allows for more accurate and actionable insights.

Multi-channel support

Tethr can analyze customer interactions across multiple channels, providing a more complete picture of the customer journey.

Automated insights

Tethr’s software automatically finds insights, such as issues and opportunities, and prioritizes them based on their impact on the business.

Real-time insights

Tethr’s platform provides real-time insights, allowing companies to quickly identify and address issues as they arise.

Tethr Products and Services interface illustration

Automated compliance

Tethr’s platform can automatically flag interactions that may be in violation of compliance regulations, giving the company more control over their compliance risks.

Compliance alert illustration

Integration with other tools

Tethr’s software can integrate with other tools that companies use, such as CRM and telephony systems, providing a more comprehensive view of customer interactions.

Dynamic dashboards

Tethr’s platform allows for the creation of custom dashboards, tailored to the company’s specific needs and priorities.

Overall, Tethr's call center analytics software is superior to other options in the market because of its advanced natural language processing and machine learning capabilities, multi-channel support, automated insights, and the ability to integrate with other tools and systems.

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Contact center analytics FAQs

What are some popular call center performance metrics?

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There are various call center performance metrics that companies use to measure and evaluate the performance of their call center operations. Some popular call center performance metrics include:


Average Handle Time (AHT)

The average amount of time it takes for an agent to complete a call, including talk time, hold time, and after-call work. A lower AHT indicates that agents are handling calls more efficiently.


First Call Resolution (FCR)

The percentage of calls that are resolved on the first call. A higher FCR indicates that agents are effectively solving customer issues and that customers do not have to call back.


Abandonment rate

The percentage of calls that are terminated by customers before being answered by an agent. A lower abandonment rate indicates that customers are less likely to hang up while waiting for an agent.


Service level

The percentage of calls that are answered within a given timeframe, usually within a certain number of seconds. A higher service level indicates that customers are not waiting on hold for long periods of time.


Contact rate

The percentage of calls or interactions that are answered by agents. A higher contact rate indicates that agents are available to take calls and respond to customer interactions.


Net Promoter Score (NPS)

A customer satisfaction metric that measures how likely customers are to recommend a company to others. A higher NPS indicates that customers are more satisfied with the service they received.


Customer Effort Score (CES)

A metric that measures the effort customers have to put in to get their issue resolved or their questions answered. A lower CES indicates that customers are more satisfied with the service they received.


Occupancy rate

This measures the percentage of time that agents are on the phone with customers. A higher occupancy rate indicates that agents are effectively utilizing their time and not spending a lot of time idle.

These metrics are just a few examples of the many different metrics that companies use to evaluate the performance of their call center operations. The specific metrics that a company chooses to track will depend on their specific business needs and goals.

What are call volume trends for 2023?

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It is difficult to predict the exact call volume trends for 2023 as it depends on various factors such as the industry, the company's target market, and the overall economic and political climate. However, some general trends and developments that may impact call volume in 2023 include:

Continued growth of digital channels

With the increasing use of digital channels such as chat, email, and social media for customer interactions, companies may see a decrease in call volume as more customers opt to use these channels instead of calling.

Remote working

Remote work is becoming more common and as a result, some companies may see a decrease in call volume as agents work from home and are not physically present in the call center.

Advancement of AI and automation

With the advancement of AI and automation, companies may see a decrease in call volume as more customers are able to get their issues resolved or their questions answered through chatbots or virtual assistants.

Economic trends

Economic conditions can affect call volume, if there is an economic downturn, companies may see an increase in call volume as customers have more questions about their financial situations.


Some industries may see an increase in call volume due to their nature of the business. For example, companies in the healthcare industry may see an increase in call volume as more customers have questions about their health and treatments.

Political climate

The political climate can also affect call volume, if there is a significant change in the political situation of a country, companies may see an increase in call volume as customers have more questions and concerns.

Overall, it is important for companies to monitor their call volume trends and to be prepared to make adjustments as needed to meet changing customer needs and expectations.

What is the number one driver of agent productivity?

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There are several factors that can impact agent productivity in a contact center, but one of the most significant drivers of agent productivity is the quality of the agent's training and coaching.

Properly trained and coached agents are better equipped to handle customer interactions, resolve customer issues, and meet customer needs, which can lead to higher productivity levels.

When agents are well-trained, they are more confident in their ability to handle customer interactions, which can lead to better customer satisfaction and fewer calls that need to be transferred or escalated.

Effective coaching can also help to identify any areas of improvement in an agent's performance, so they can be addressed and the agent can improve their productivity.

Adequate training and coaching can also help agents to stay up-to-date on new products, services, and industry developments, which can help them to better serve customers and improve their productivity.

Additionally, providing agents with the necessary tools and resources can also help to improve productivity. For example, providing agents with access to a knowledge base, real-time data, and customer information can help them to quickly and effectively resolve customer issues, which leads to improved productivity.

In summary, the quality of the agent's training and coaching is the number one driver of agent productivity in a contact center, as it can help agents to better handle customer interactions, resolve customer issues, and meet customer needs more efficiently.