Adam Larsen


Adam joined Tethr in 2013 and is an original architect of the Tethr platform. He currently has responsibility for all Tethr engineering and dev-ops. Adam brings Tethr over 20 years of proven IT experience with software development, network and system administration. He has specialized in building and managing high performing development teams and is skilled in the practical use of evolving and emerging technologies to decrease overall time to market while maintaining high-quality deliverables.

Before Tethr, Adam was director of enterprise technologies for MBA Engineering, a process and design company with a primary focus on electrical and energy efficiency consulting. Prior to that, Adam was an Application Development Manager with Avanade for a year and a half and four and a half years at Accenture as a Sr. Systems Analyst. Primarily working with Best Buy, leading the technical team responsible for in-store digital content both in the US and Internationally, and a complete reimagining of the GeekSquad check-in experience.