Tethr and Gladly team up to strengthen the customer experience

Madeline Jacobson

June 5, 2024

Tethr has a new partner: Gladly, the people-centered customer service platform. This partnership lets Tethr and Gladly users to easily integrate the two platforms, bringing Gladly customer service interactions into Tethr for AI-powered analysis. Tethr transforms conversation data from Gladly into actionable insights so companies can make operational and strategic changes that will positively impact their customer experience.   

Why we’re excited to do business with Gladly

Gladly is a customer service platform that empowers frontline agents to help people, not just resolve tickets. Every customer service channel–from voice to email to SMS–is unified in a single platform, with each customer having a single conversation stream for all their interactions across channels. This helps agents better understand and assist customers, ensuring customers have a seamless experience across channels. Gladly also uses AI to translate what businesses already know about their customers into personalized self-service responses.

Gladly’s commitment to helping companies improve their experiences through better service interactions is closely aligned with Tethr’s own values and mission. We’re committed to helping companies improve the customer experience by listening to their customers at scale. Through our new partnership, we’re giving Gladly users the power to analyze their conversations for insights that empower them to make meaningful agent and customer experience improvements. 

5 benefits of using Tethr and Gladly

Tethr and Gladly work together seamlessly so you can make measurable improvements to your customer experience. When you enable the integration, Tethr will immediately begin analyzing your customer interactions from Gladly. Tethr delivers conversation insights in easy-to-read reports and dashboards. Insights from Tethr and Gladly help customer service and CX leaders achieve their top goals, including:

Increasing customer satisfaction

Tethr analyzes what customers and agents say to uncover pain points, sentiment, and feedback–without relying on surveys. Our platform also uses AI to predict how customers would have rated their satisfaction and effort after an interaction, even if they didn’t complete a survey. These insights, combined with Gladly’s unified view of customer interactions, help businesses identify opportunities for improvement and take actions to improve the customer experience mid-journey, leading to better overall customer experiences. 

Improving the agent experience

Tethr and Gladly work together to turn your agents into brand heroes. Gladly arms agents with the background information they need to assist customers in the moment, while Tethr analyzes agent interactions and automates quality assurance so contact center leaders can celebrate what’s going well and uncover impactful coaching opportunities. By helping agents succeed, Tethr and Gladly can improve job satisfaction and reduce employee turnover.

Reducing costs

Tethr uses AI to identify the root causes of long calls, channel switching, repeat contacts, and other cost drivers. Contact center and CX leaders can pinpoint the factors in their control, make improvements, and measure their impact over time.

Boosting loyalty and retaining more customers

High-effort experiences are the biggest driver of customer disloyalty. Gladly and Tethr work together in complementary ways to reduce effort and strengthen loyalty. Gladly helps human agents and AI deliver fast, personalized customer service. Tethr uses AI and machine learning to flag signs of dissatisfaction and churn risk so businesses can turn negative customer experiences around. Contact center and CX leaders can improve customer lifetime value, retention, and word-of-mouth with Tethr and Gladly. 

Growing revenue

Customers who have positive experiences with a brand are more likely to keep buying from that brand and spend more money than those who have negative experiences. Gladly helps businesses deliver those positive service experiences, and Tethr analyzes interactions to identify agent behaviors that drive sales, the most effective promotional offers, and cross-sell and upsell opportunities.

See Tethr and Gladly in action

Gladly and Tethr work collaboratively to improve the full customer journey. Combining the power of Tethr and Gladly lets you access insights from the first customer touchpoint to the last–regardless of channel.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Tethr and Gladly work together, schedule a call with our team of product experts.

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